Stop Motion
Disney y Pixar
Animación para adultos
Un corto esencial: por Carlos Velandia
Entrevista a Diego Felipe Guzmán
Las 10 películas favoritas de Renato Roldán Ramis
Entrevista a Ita Romero
2023: Drijf
2022: Daug Geresnis
2022: Ce qui bouge est vivant
2023: Astoria
Palmarés del festival de Annecy 2023
Estreno en cines: Una familia de superhéroes
Taquilla: ‘Spider-Man: Cruzando el multiverso’ mantiene el primer puesto
Ya editado el especial de Annecy 2023 de LatAm cinema
El cortometraje La Mecha, seleccionado en el Festival Internacional de Cine…
Etiqueta: Vanguardia
2022: Daug Geresnis
2023: 27
2023: D’une peinture… à l’autre
2023: Johnny & Me (Johnny & Me – Eine Zeitreise mit...
2023: Oasis
2022: King Of Sea
2022: RIP TXL
2023: D’un feu secret
2022: 12th StopTrik IFF: The Doppelgänger
1982: Pink Floyd: El muro (Pink Floyd: The Wall)
2022: Testigo del viento / Wind Whisperer
2023: Fashion Victims 2.0
2014: Eager
2021: A Place in Blue
2022: Puto Humo
2022: Friendly Fire
2022: Soaked In
2022: Kolaj
2022: The Hour Coat
2022: Throng
2022: Eternity
2022: Garisani
2023: DONKS
1949: Fantasía en colores (Begone Dull Care)
2010: The External World
2022: Rien
2019: No Objects (Sans objets)
2022: Remember How I Used to Ride a White Horse
2021: Cucumbers
2022: 11
2022: Speak KDSK
2022: Marie . Eduardo . Sophie
2022: Intermission
2017: Simbiosis Carnal
2019: Letting Go (Lah gah)
2022: Memories
2009: La Casa del Tiempo
2022: Permanent
2015: Todos los veranos
1999: When the Day Breaks
2022: In The Big Yard Inside The Teeny-Weeny Pocket
2022: Misaligned (Koniunkcja)
2022: Well Wishes My Love, Your Love
1974: Juan, el paladín (János vitéz)
1999: Le chapeau / The Hat
1968: Byt
2021: Fish Out of Water (Sudan Çıkmış Balık)
1993: El refugio de los ángeles
2015: Jazz Orgie
2022: La ciudad
2022: What’s Love Got To Do With It
2018: Fui a Buscar al Sol
2018: Chromatic Prelude
2016: RGB Colour Model
2010: Weathervane
2021: El Canto De Las Moscas III – Noche
2022: Oneluv (Vanlav)
2018: Snowflakes
2008: Luis
2013: Carne
2022: Kaiko
2021: Un poème du souffle et du vent
2022: Not for me
2021: On the Surface
2022: It
2022: Supper
2022: AbstrArt 22
2022: Iizuna Fair
2022: Sauna
2022: Wet
2022: Él corrió junto a su camarada
2020: El Filántropo
2021: Mountain Blues
2021: Hirian ibiltzeko jarraibideak
2021: Lesser of Two Evils (A kisebbik rossz)
2008: Hezurbeltzak, una fosa común
2007: Lucía
2022: Sensaciones oblicuas
2021: Piel a piel (Azaletik azalera)
2022: Animafest Zagreb Official Festival Trailer
2022: Inside
2022: Donny In Valdez (PJ’s flip)
2022: Exotic Contents
2022: Thin Thing
2021: 3 geNARRATIONS
2022: Menagerie
2022: Silver Bird and Rainbow Fish
2021: Short Cuts: Le Cercle rouge
2021: Ottawa Animation Signal Film
2022: Lakkeh
2021: Compositions for Understanding Relationships
2021: Intersect
2021: Downfall
2022: Khamsa – The Well of Oblivion
2022: Resting Fog (Nyugvó köd)
2021: Lunar Love & Ever
2021: Ten Degrees of Strange
2021: Love, Dad
2022: Twist into Any Shape
2021: Erotic Moments
2021: Second
2021: M2
2021: Los Huesos
2021: Rites of Spring
2021: So Long (We Dreamt of This)
2022: Todas mis cicatrices se desvanecen en el viento
2021: Once More with Feeling
2022: Small Hours
2021: Toothless
2021: Fleeting: Here & There
2021: Elephant in Castle
2021: Noon
2022: Le Pharaon, le Sauvage et la Princesse
2022: Boddyssey
2022: Beware of Trains
2021: Dozens of Norths (Ikuta no kita)
2022: La Passante
2022: Persona
2021: Glazing
2021: Manchmal weiss ich nicht wo die Sonne
2021: Ōmi-Maiko Station
2021: Hierophany (Hierofania)
2021: Cufufu
2021: Krak
2021: BirdBox
2021: Protostase
2022: Backflip
2021: Reparaciones
2022: La mujer como imagen, el hombre como portador de la...
2022: Bruit Rose
2021: Meneath: The Hidden Island of Ethics
2018: S He
2021: Le mont Fuji vu d’un train en marche
2022: The Flying Sailor
2021: MixBrasil festival
2021: Alpapuyo
2008: RGB XYZ
2014: Historia de un oso
2022: Wonderful Ideas
2022: Hysteresis
2022: A Brief History of Us
2021: Cake – Temporada 5
2021: The Hangman at Home
2022: Lockdown Dreamscape
2021: Deux Sœurs
2021: Absence
2021: Linije
1975: Erizo en la niebla (Yozhik v tumane)
1969: The Alphabet
2000: Rejected
2021: Flor bajo el agua (Ur Azpian Lore)
2021: Alas de Tiniebla
2022: Bonjour Douala
2021: Soft Tissue
2021: El escritor ciego (L’Écrivain aveugle)
2020: Km 1 Larrabetzutik
2021: Poum Poum !
2021: Impossible Figures and Other Stories
2021: Two Shoes
2012: Chemin faisant
2021: Anxious Body
2007: Lugares comunes
1984: Jumping
2018: Ville Neuve
2021: Chicken of the Mound
2021: Archipiélago (Archipel)
2021: Mo Yaro
2021: Money Is The One True God
2021: The Princess and the Clock
2021: Slow
2021: La travesía (La traversée)
2021: El limpiaparabrisas (The Windshield Wiper)
2021: Cryptozoo
2021: Steakhouse
2020: Kkum
2008: Orgesticulanismus
2020: Fixion
2021: Hexed
2020: Betty
2021: Clockwise
2018: Reneepoptosis
2014: Footprints
2021: The Darkness That You Fear
2021: Purple Barreling
2016: Vivir
2021: The Underground
2020: Password to the ***** (Jelszó a * * * *...
2021: Cosa que sufre
2021: Carnaval
2021: Pamphlets
2020: Orders
2020: Needs
2011: Hisab
2020: Fruit
2006: The Tale of How
2009: L’Ambouba
2020: Drawn Undrew Draw
2021: Oh Babe, It’s a Wild World
1981: El hijo de la Yegua Blanca (Fehérlófia)
2020: The Mannequin Talk Show
2020: Hippocampus
2020: The Mark of Emi (Kata no Ato)
2020: Green (Zieleń)
1980: Baño de espuma (Habfürdö)
2020: Gold Is Eating People (Huang Jin Chi Ren La)
2021: Ils dansent avec leurs têtes (They Dance with Their Heads)
2021: shapes.colours.people. and floatingdown
2021: Vadim na progulke (Vadim on a Walk)
2021: Zoizoglyphes
2020: Kafkayi eraz (Dream of Kafka)
2021: People in Motion
2020: Mitovebuli Sofeli
2021: Swallow the Universe
2020: Unanswered Telephone
2020: No Leaders Please
2021: Soft Animals
2020: Summer, Summer
2020: Świątynia Ukwiału
2021: Eyes and Horns
2021: Avant
2021: Furia
2020: Kula (The Tower)
2020: Help Me It’s Dark in Here
2020: Contraindre
2020: Film Found
2020: See Me
2021: Lolos (Boobs)
2021: Divare Chaharom
1969: Mystery-Bouffe (Misteriya-Buff)
2020: Le Monde en soi
2020: Vacuidad (Emptiness)
2021: O
2021: On Time
1989: Balance
2014: This World
1992: Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase
2007: Irinka et Sandrinka
2021: I Gotta Look Good for the Apocalypse
2020: Void
2021: El Buitre (The Vulture)
2019: Veo Veo
2009: No corras tanto
2000: Holy Smoke
2020: Fu You Ri Ji (Dayfly)
2020: Firefly
2021: Girl In The Water
2019: Marbles
2020: This Is Only Getting Worse
2020: Toonekurg (The Stork)
2020: Monachopsis
1983: Leve De Seksuele Revolutie (Long Live The Sexual Revolution)
1982: Weg Ermee!
1975: Swiss Graffiti
2020: Beseder (Good and Better)
2021: Jung & Restless
2018: Le corps poreux
1994: The History of the World Episode 10: The Discovery of...
1988: Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies
2006: Mr Gesus
2020: Odd Duck
1968: Adam 2
2021: Pune Design Festival 2021 «Signature Film»
2020: Polymorphia
2020: Pause, Play, Repeat
1994: The History of the World Episode 16: The Invention of...
2004: The end of biters – International
2021: Tamgù
2020: Grey to Green
2020: Cyber-Eve
1994: X-Mix-2 Destination Planet Dream
2012: Pasajes (Passages)
2001: What Is That
2020: Magutny Bozha – Prayer for Belarus
1999: The Littlest Robo
2003: Tiempo de Soleá
2021: Congregation
1989: Exciting Love Story
1967: Band of Ninja (Ninja bugei-chô)
2020: June Night
2003: The Work of Director Michel Gondry
1966: There Lived Kozyavin (Zhil-byl Kozyavin)
2021: Drop al infierno
2020: Concatenation 2 ‒ Olympic Games (Concatenation 2 ‒ Jeux Olympiques)
1962: Historia de un crimen (Istoriya odnogo prestupleniya)
2020: Concatenation
1957: Mirror Animations: Number 10
2001: The Future of Gaming
2000: The Man with the Beautiful Eyes
2018: Feeling Myself (Sentir-Me)
1967: El teatro del señor y la señora Kabal (Théâtre de...
2018: Adorable
1998: The Albatross
1998: 7 Television Commercials
2018: An Eye For An Eye
1995: The End of the World in Four Seasons
2013: The Age of Curious
1994: Ah Pook Is Here
2017: Yellow (Zltá)
2004: Warp Vision – The videos 1989 – 2004
2016: Dota
2020: Love In Time Of Tourism
2018: Untravel
2013: Rabbitland
1994: Save Me
2020: Med Cezir Tango
1979: Tales of Tales (Skazka skazok)
2020: Je me gratte
2019: Invisibles
2020: Der Natürliche Tod Der Maus
2019: Para Ver Morir Una Mosca
1975: Head
2021: Conversaciones con una ballena (Conversations with a Whale)
1971: Jabberwocky
2020: Non ce ne siamo resi conto
2001: Eyen
2020: Pandora
2001: Flow
2001: Bleip: No
2000: Monocodes
2000: In Absentia
1999: Third Interpolation
1985: Calculated Movements
1971: Synchromy
2017: Contact
1964: Breathdeath
1938: An Optical Poem
2003: Síndrome de línea blanca
1939: Spook Sport
2020: Revolykus
2019: Locomotor
2019: The Last Episode
1993: Britannia
2016: Suijun Genten (Datum Point)
2018: Fest
2011: Muybridge’s Strings (Maiburijji no ito)
2020: O Black Hole!
2020: Them People
2020: Liza
2020: Chado
2020: Poise (Suspensão)
2020: Hiperplástico orgástico (Orgiastic Hyper-Plastic)
2021: La odisea espeleológica de Sócrates
2020: Opera
1994: Triangle
1990: Panspermia
2020: Rick’s Mad House
1979: Sunstone
1974: Train Landscape
1963: Mothlight
1986: Sledgehammer
1953: Color Cry
2021: I Want to Be the Ocean
2015: Honorio. Dos minutos de sol
2019: Brotar
2020: Nights
2020: Ode To The Mets
2009: Exlibris
2020: Dora
2020: Break-Cycle
2020: Quarantine
2020: El Sonido de tu Nueva Verdad
2019: Phryné et Nyx
2004: Minotauromaquia (Pablo en el laberinto)
2003: La habitación inclinada
2020: When I Was at Peace
2002: Sr. Trapo
2020: Los campaneros de Chartres
1964: Of Stars and Men
2013: Hotzanak, por su propia seguridad
2020: Ehiza
2020: Dad Is Gone
1962: Banya
2013: Metamorfoza
2020: Introducción a la historia de la filosofía occidental
2019: Guisantes. Sinfonía industrial en cuatro movimientos
2019: The Gods Of Tiny Things
2019: Whence Comes the Rain
2020: Quanzhou – New Jersey
2020: Living In A Box
2019: Don’t Know What
2020: Accidental Luxuriance of the Translucent Watery Rebus
2020: Dune
2019: Pulsator
2019: Collapsing Mies
2020: Felicidad (Schast’e)
2020: Kill It and Leave this Town (Zabij to i wyjedz...
2019: A Mãe de Sangue
2020: Esfinge urbana
2009: Stretching
2020: Fragmente
2017: Ugly
2019: Eclosión
2019: Lursaguak. Escenas de vida
2018: Miraila
2019: Serial Parallels
2019: L’heure de l’ours
2019: Acid Rain
2019: Kantentanz
1962: Heaven and Earth Magic
1962: Mala kronika
1963: Tifusari
1958: Samac
1959: Inspektor se vratio kuci